We build these clocks...

... and we love our work.

I'm Lindsay Morris,  the owner / inventor here. (CEEO: Chief Everything Else Officer.) I've started three successful software development companies (lots of inventions in that world!). I keep coming up with new ideas.

This idea, the Linear Clock, has fully engaged me for the last few years.  I've learned electrical engineering well enough to finally hire a real electrical engineer and get quality circuit boards.

My team and I have built a nice shop and an effective process for creating these beautiful clocks.  I'm quite proud of them and the whole concept. Our daily google alert says nobody else in the world is making anything similar.  

Margot Sanders is our Mechatronic Lead. She builds the electronics and the “sleds” that drive our clocks.  She's immensely competent, and a little bit driven.  It’s surprising how many little problems there are to solve. It’s less surprising that they all vanish under her steady hand. 

Jeff McCoy runs our woodshop.  He has decades of experience with all aspects of woodworking (makes fabulous drums, by the way), solves problems on a daily basis, and is a pleasure to work with.  If you love the aesthetic beauty of your clock, thank Jeff!

Amy Mills, our Production Manager, keeps track of your orders, buys lumber and everything else we need, and is happy to show you what we've made, or help you design the perfect clock for your space.